

      出生年份:1963 年 2 月


      1981年9月——1988年7月 湖北大学化学系高分子材料专业本科生、硕士生

      1988年9月——1991年1月 浙江大学化工系高分子材料专业博士生

      1991年3月——1994年10月 广州中山大学高分子研究所讲师、副教授

      1994年10月——1998年5月 Pennsylvania State University博士后

      1999年2月——1999年7月 美国NSF Coating Research Center访问教授

      1999年7月—— 现在 复旦大学材料系教授,博士生导师,国家教育部先进涂料工程研究中心主任。兼任中国化工学会理事、中国微米纳米技术学会理事、中国化工学会涂料专业委员会委员、中国材料学会环境委员会委员;《建筑材料学报》、《腐蚀科学与防护技术》、《中国涂料》、《涂料工业》、《上海涂料》、《China Coatings Journal》(香港)等期刊编委;包括Macromolecues、Langmuir、Polymer、Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids、《高分子学报》、《化工学报》、《材料研究学报》等在内的近20种国内外著名期刊特约评审。


      ê 国家“十五”863纳米专项计划;ê 国家十五“863”计划滚动项目;ê 教育部重点科技项目;ê 高等学校博士点基金;ê 国家教育部跨世纪优秀人才基金;ê 上海市纳米专项计划重点重大项目;ê 上海市科委重点项目;ê 上海市经委重大项目;ê 浙江省重大科技攻关项目;ê 国际著名公司和国内企业委托项目等。


      ê 在国内外核心刊物上发表论文100多篇,其中SCI文章70多篇,被国际同行他引>150次,申请和获得国家发明专利30项,美国专利2项,出版专著2部。研究成果70%左右成功进行了产业化

      ê 2000年入选上海市曙光学者

      ê 2001年获上海市优秀职务发明二等奖,第一完成人

      ê 2002年获上海市科技进步三等奖,第一完成人

      ê 2002年入选国家教育部跨世纪优秀人才

      ê 2002年起入选湖北省“楚天学者奖励计划”特聘教授(兼任)

      ê 2002年获“Intel”杰出教师称号

      ê 2003年获上海市优秀职务发明一等奖,第一完成人

      ê 2003年获上海市科技进步三等奖,第一完成人

      ê 2003年获教育部科技进步二等奖(发明类),第一完成人

      ê 2003年基金委“第四届通用汽车中国科技成就奖”二等奖

      ê 2003年入选上海市十五期间重点科技领域预见专家

      ê 2004年获教育部科技进步一等奖(发明类),第一完成人

      ê 2004年获复旦大学优秀研究生导师称号

      ê 获国际学术会议大会和特邀报告9次,国内学术会议大会和特邀报告6次,担任大会和分会主席8次



1. Wu LM, Chen XC, Zou LJ, et al., “Effect of Nano-silica on the Properties of Polyester Based Polyurethane”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2003,88,189-193

2. Chen XC, Wu LM, Zhou SX, et al., “In-situ Polymerization and Characterization of Polyester-based Polyurethane/Nano-silica Composites”, Polym. Int., 2003,52, 993-998

3. Chen XC, You B, Zhou SX, Wu LM., “Surface and Interface characterization of Nano-SiO2 /Polyester Based Polyurethane Composite Coating”, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2003,35, 369-374

4. Xiong MN, Gu GX, You B, Wu LM, “Preparation and Characterization of Acrylic Latex / Nano-ZnO Nanocomposites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2003, 90(7), 1923-1931

5. Yuan JJ, Zhou SX, Liao JH, Wu LM, “Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(St-co-BA) Latex with an Organic-inorganic Hybrid Compound as Emulsifier, Chin J. Chem. Eng., 2003, 11,483-488

6. Zhou SX, Xiong MN, Wu LM, “The Properties of High Solid Acrylic Based Polyurethane and Acrylic Latex Embedded with Nano-silica”, J. Chem. Eng. Jap., 2003, 36(10), 1263-1269



1. Zhou SX, Wu LM, Shen WD, Gu GX, “Study on the Morphology and Tribological Properties of Acrylic Based Polyurethane/Fumed Silica Composite Coatings”, J. Mater. Sci., 2004, 39, 1593-1600

2. Yuan JJ, Gu GX, Zhou SX, Wu LM, “Preparation and Characterization of Silicone-grafted Styrene-Butyl Acrylate Latex Copolymer”, High Perform. Polym., 2004, 16, 69-80

3. Zhou SX, Wu LM, Xiong MN, He QY, Chen GD, “Dispersion and UV-VIS Property of Nanoparticles in Coatings”, J.Disp. Sc. Tech., 2004, 25, 4, 417-433.

4. Xiong MN, You B, Zhou SX, Wu LM, “Study on acrylic resin / Titinia Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Prepared by Sol-Gel Process”, Polymer, 2004, 45:2967-2976

5. Chen YC, Zhou SX, Wu LM, “Preparation and characterization of nanocomposite Polyurethane”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2004, 279, 2, 370-378

6. Xiong MN, Zhou SX, You B, Gu GX, Wu LM, “Effect of Preparation of Titania Sol on the Structure and Properties of Acrylic Resin/Titania Hybrid Materials”, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 2004, Vol42, 3682-3694

7. Xiong MN, Zhou SX, Wu LM, Wang B, Yang L, “Sol-Gel Derived Organic-Inorganic hybrid from Trialkoxysilane-Capped Acrylic resin and titania: Effects of Preparation Conditions on the Structure and Properties”, Polymer, 2004, 45,8127-8138

8 Chen M, Wu LM, Zhou SX, You B, “Synthesis of raspberrylike PMMA/SiO2 nanocomposite particles”, Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 25, 9613-9619.

9. Chen H, Zhou SX, Gu GX, Wu LM, “Study on Modification and Dispersion of Nano-Silica”, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2004. 25, 6, 837-848



1. Li FS, Zhou SX, You B, Wu LM, “Preparation and Characterization of UV- Curable Nanocomposites Coatings Initiated by BP/MDEA”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 96, 912 – 918 (2005)

2. Li H, You B, Gu GX, Wu LM, Chen GD, “Particle Size and Morphology of Poly (St-co-BA) /nano-silica Composite Latex”, Polymer International, 54,191-197(2005)

3. Yang J, Zhou SX, You B, Wu LM, “The Preparation and Surface Properties of Silicone-grafted Acrylic Copolymer Coatings”, High Performance Polymer, 17 (1): 85-102 (2005)

4. Chen GD, Zhou SX, Liao HM. Wu LM, “Preparation of Solvent-borne Acrylic Based Polyurethane/Modified Silica Nanocomposites”, Journal of composite Materials, vol39, no.3, 215-231 (2005)

5. Xiong MN, Zhou SX, Chen H, Wu LM, “Preparation of Acrylic Resin/TiO2 Organic-inorganic Hybrid by Sol-gel Process and Characterization of Its Structure”, Acta Polymerica Sinica, (3): 417-422 (2005)

6. Chen GD, Zhou SX, Gu GX, Yang HH, Wu LM, “Effects of Surface Property of Colloidal Silica Particles on Redispersibility and Properties of Acrylic Based Polyurethane/Silica Composites”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, V.281, Issue 2 , 339-350 (2005)

7. Chen YC, Zhou SX, Yang HH, Wu LM, “Structure and Properties of polyurethane/ nanosilica composites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, V.95, Issue 5 , 1032 – 1039 (2005)

8. Zhang SW, Zhou SX, Weng YM, Wu LM, “Synthesis of SiO2 / Polystyrene Nanocomposite Particles via Miniemulsion polymerization”, Langmuir, 2005, 21,2124-2128

9. Xiong MN, Zhou SX, You B, Wu LM, “Trialkoxysilane-Capped Acrylic Resin/Titania Organic-Inorganic Hybrid optical films prepared by the sol-gel process”, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics.43: 637-649 (2005)

10. Chen GD, Zhou SX, Gu GX, Wu LM, “Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Acrylic Based Polyurethane/Silica Hybrids Prepared by Acid-catalyzed Sol-Gel Process”, Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics., 206, 885-892 (2005)

11. Yuan JJ, Zhou SX, You B, Wu LM, “Organic Pigment Particles Coated with Colloidal Nano-silica via Layer by Layer Assembly Technique”, Chemistry of Materials, 17, 3587-3594 (2005)

12. Chen M, Zhou SX, You B, Wu LM, “Synthesis of Raspberry-like PMMA/SiO2 nanocomposite particles by a soapless one-step process”, Macromolecues, 38, 6411-6417 (2005)

13. Chen M, You B, Zhou SX, Wu LM, “Preparation of raspberry-like SiO2/PMMA nanocomposite spheres”, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 26 (7): 1352-1355 (2005)

14. Yuan JJ, Zhou SX, Gu GX, Wu LM, “Effect of the particle size of nanosilica on the performance of epoxy/silica composite coatings”, Journal of Materials Science, 40,3927-3933 (2005)

15. Li FS, Zhou SX, Wu LM, “The Effects of Preparing Method on Microstructure and Properties ofV-curable Nanocomposite Coats Containing Silica”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 98 (3), 1119 – 1124 (2005)

16. Li MQ, Zhou SX, You B, Wu LM, “Study on acrylic resin/alumina hybrid materials prepared by the sol-gel process”, Journal of U Macromolecular Science-Physics B44(4): 481-494 (2005).

17.Chen YC, Wu LM, " Preparation and Characterization of Polyester / Silica Nanocomposite Resins”, Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol.54, 2, 120-126 (2005)

18. Chen M,Zhou SX, Wu LM, Xie SH, Chen Y., “Preparation of Silica-coated Polystyrene Hybrid Spherical Colloids”, Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics, Vol.206, 1896-1902 (2005)

19. Yuan JJ, Zhou SX, You B, Wu LM, “Encapsulation of Organic Pigment Yellow with Nanosilica Particles”, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 26 (11): (2005)

20. Chen YC, Zhou SX, Yang HH, Wu LM, “Structure and Mechanical Property of Polyurethane/Silica Hybrid Coatings”, Macromolecular Materials & Engineering, 290, 1001-1008 (2005)





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